Monday, September 13, 2010

I am definitely not a realist( in terms of my world view)

In class on Friday Erin wrote two lists on the board, "How To Talk Like A Realist" and "What's Left Out Of The Realists Theory" The entire discussion, for the most part was about the inherent badness of people. No one can trust one another because everyone is out with their own self interests in mind. Everything was about power. In the world view of a realists, states can never be sure that another state might not military attack them. When she asked us what we thought the Realism IR theory left out, I automatically thought of the word optimism. To me the Realism IR theory did not allow people to have a positive out look on interactions between states. I find it hard to assume the worst in people. I find it hard to think that people are inherently selfish. I find it hard to believe that countries do not care about the common good of this world. Some may call me naive, but i personally believe the world could use a dose of naivete. If it means that the world is no longer seen as a place of distrust and selfishness against each other, then I think it is up to our generation to bring back hope.

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