Wednesday, August 25, 2010

SO...they hate us

Honestly, answering this question was like plucking one gum drop from the gingerbread house. There is so much to choose from that you always feel you should have gotten something else.(Maybe a candy cane or a chocolate bar)I decided to go with something I always ask myself and actually hope to help improve during my future career. I think that the most pressing issue in world politics is improving the United States international image.
(Instead of the U.S being this guy we should try to be this guy)
The United States is a country that is interested in various areas of the world. They venture out in order to improve those areas and provide aid, or in order to gain some sort of resource. They draw up these big plans to improve x and implement y hoping that the citizens in that foreign country will support a new form of government, a new military and police force, new schools etc. Often times these citizens do not want the help of the United States and they mistrust our countries motive.History whispers stories of American ordered assassination of government leaders in other countries, instigating conflicts and more. As a result, instead of U.S efforts to improve many places, the citizens band together to systematically thwart efforts of development. An example of this is the U.S involvement in development efforts in Iraq. I recently read a column by Robert Scheer. In that article he quoted one of Baghdad's top representatives As Hazim al- Araji saying, "There are people from all different parties and sects. We are all carrying the national flag, which is a symbol of unity. And we are all united calling for the withdrawal of Americans." I felt that this was an excellent quote to describe the how deep the hatred of the United States was and is. It was able to unite groups of people that had been fighting for years in Iraq. Because the U.S has been in Iraq for 9 years despite the inability to find WMD, our image in the eyes of other countries, has been tainted.They did not want us there and we did not leave when our search was complete. I've read many articles written by the US detailing their plans for the development in Iraq. The idea to help set up an Iraq that is sovereign, stable, and accountable is a noble goal. Just imagine how the Iraqi people would respond if the US had a different reputation. Who doesn't want their country to be all those things and more? I am not so naive to think that the United States is just trying to be a good neighbor, Iraq has a large supply of oil. I just wonder if we pushed for policy that could remedy our past actions would we be able to get what we want easier. Maybe they would hate us less if we weren't characterized as the big bad bully or the worlds police force. I don't know everything about the world or politics, but I do know you catch more flies with honey and not bombs and guns.

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