Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reflection On A Theme

The trip to PEPFAR and the accompanying presentation beforehand enabled me to form a good idea of the issue as a whole. After the blunt speech used in the presentation the PEPFAR one seemed incredibly sugar coated. The PEPFAR presentation and following Q&A session had more sugar then a beignet. However, my disappointment at not hearing her speak frankly about the issue was coupled with my utmost amazement at her PR skills. She skirted around the underlying issues in questions with the nimbleness of a mongoose. I can only dream of having that sort of talent.

However, the two presentations did make something incredibly clear; without clean water readily available all the efforts to help those infected with AIDS are extreme dampened. Water transmits so many diseases that could prove deadly for anyone with a weakened immune system that it seems unreasonable the disproportionate amount of funding we provide for anti-AID efforts rather then efforts to provide clean water. This was something I believe in before the presentation but I feel that all the information I received that day only strengthens the argument.<

Also, seeing the amount of funding per country was somewhat depressing. Europe has taken on such an isolationist vibe lately. I understand it, I even empathize with why they’re doing it but at a certain point they really just need to step up to the plate. (Oh snap, baseball metaphor!) I believe that the US should focus its diplomatic efforts to get the EU member states to engage more vigorously in humanitarian action abroad. Not only would successful cooperation help millions in need but it would also help foster a better cross-pond relationship. By building a foundation of peaceful cooperative humanitarian operations abroad the US would find these states more open to military cooperation for humanitarian missions.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Spatula,
    I realize this doesn't count as an actual comment or anything, but OMG I LOVE BEIGNETS. I'm suddenly very hungry....
